How to Improve Wi-Fi Signal

Struggling to stream? Email like a snail? Online games going up in flames? If you want to improve your Wi-Fi signal, you’re in the right place!

Struggling to stream? Email like a snail? Online games going up in flames? If you want to improve your Wi-Fi signal, you’re in the right place! We’ve got the easy steps you need to improve your Wi-Fi signal right now. So sit back, take a deep breath and find out everything you need to know to start enjoying your internet again.

Check the Connection with Ethernet

Before we dive into how to improve Wi-Fi signal, we need to make sure that your connection is functioning correctly. To do that, you’ll need an ethernet cable and a desktop or laptop computer with an ethernet port. Simply connect your computer to the router with the cable and perform a SpeedTest. Then, unplug the cable and perform the test again using the Wi-Fi connection. If you’re getting similar results when in the same room as the router but not in other rooms then we can start to dive into improving your Wi-Fi signal.

Always check (just to make sure) that your fibre line is going strong before you troubleshoot Wi-Fi issues.

Location, Location, Location

Just like all the best real estate agents will remind you – location is super important – and the same is true for your Wi-Fi router! Every time your Wi-Fi signal has to travel through a wall or floor, it will lose strength. So, placing it in the centre of your apartment or house will reduce the number of walls the signal has to push through before reaching your laptop, TV, or smartphone. Positioning your router strategically like this will help to eliminate a lot of dead zones but if your property is really big, a mesh Wi-Fi network may be the answer.

Faircom Fibre Advice: Don’t put your router on or behind appliances like microwave ovens, fridges, or TVs.Faircom Fibre Advice: Don’t put your router on or behind appliances like microwave ovens, fridges, or TVs.

One of the easiest ways to improve Wi-Fi signal is to not put it behind the TV in the first place! (Don’t worry, this guy👆 isn’t with Faircom).

Find a Low Traffic Wi-Fi Channel

Wi-Fi channels are 20 MHz bands within a Wi-Fi frequency band used to send and receive network data. In the 2.4 GHz frequency band there are 11 channels, and in the newer 5 GHz frequency band there are 45 channels. You can think of this as a highway with lanes for traffic to flow, or a grocery store with multiple checkout aisles.

Finding a low traffic channel is a great way to improve Wi-Fi signal. A lot of the time, especially in apartment blocks where there are a lot of Wi-Fi routers, the most commonly used channels can get congested. In those cases, Wi-Fi congestion can get bad and it’s the equivalent of everyone standing in one line waiting to pay for their groceries when there are empty cashier lines right next to them!

The first step is to find out which frequency bands are the most congested. To do that, download inSSIDer, it’s a free Wi-Fi analyzer and it’s super easy to use! After checking which channels are the least congested, simply log into your router and select your desired channel in the advanced settings.

inSSIDer will help you improve your Wi-Fi signal by showing you which channels are the most congested.

Have You Tried Turning It Off, and On Again?

We know, we know… You’ve heard it a million times by now and at this point the advice is almost a joke. But there’s a reason turning it off, and on again has become a cliché. It’s good advice! Power cycling the router every once in a while may help improve your connectivity by flushing the cache. This won’t actually improve Wi-Fi signal, but it may help improve overall router performance.

My Wi-Fi Still Sucks – Help!

Never fear! Faircom Fibre support is here! If you’re struggling to solve the issue yourself, the Faircom support ninjas will stop at nothing to help you improve Wi-Fi signal. Get in touch with us and we’ll do what we do best, so you can get back to enjoying the best fibre on the block.

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