Industry - Healthcare

Faircape Health & Rehabilitation Hospitals

A leading private healthcare provider with 6 facilities around the Western Cape, offering excellence in medical care & rehabilitation through a goal-oriented, interdisciplinary team.


Faircape Health

Faircape Health offers quality health care in state-of the art facilities, situated in our 6 luxury retirement villages across the Western Cape. With over 300 beds and a variety of specialised services offered, our Multidisciplinary Teams are highly skilled for every condition we treat. Our support professionals include:

  • Medical Doctors
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Dieticians
  • Discharge Planners
  • Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • Social Workers
  • Carers


Acute Care
Medical support for very sick patients, to prepare them for discharge to less intensive care (sub-acute care), and to minimise the financial burden of healthcare.

Sub-acute Care
Preparation of patients to reintegrate back into their home environments.

Outpatient Services
Ongoing care, treatment support, and consultation to those living independently at home.

Long Term Care
Long-term care assists with the performance of daily activities such as dressing, bathing, cooking, and moving around.

Palliative Care
Specialised, compassionate care for people nearing the end of their life, or in the advanced stage of a terminal illness.

Respite Care
Temporary care, either planned or emergency. These programs provide short-term breaks for families and carers.